Why Having a Charcoal Chimney is a Grilling Game-Changer

Charcoal chimney starter sitting in grill with Royal BBQ logo on the front

Ok, so maybe you’ve come across charcoal chimney starters in the past and breezed past them—thinking to yourself, do I really need one of those? How do they even work anyways? Not only do charcoal chimney starters make grilling so much easier, but they’re also the secret ingredient needed in order to achieve that unforgettable smoky flavor. Plus, you can finally kick that nasty lighter fluid to the curb. So, yes, you really do need one of those. 

Using a charcoal chimney starter only requires a few simple steps: 

  1. Fill the chimney with charcoal 

  2. Stuff some paper, tumbleweed or starter cube in the bottom of the chimney. 

  3. Light ‘er up

  4. Wait around 15 minutes for the coals to gray and become ready to use—the perfect time to complete some grilling prep or just sit back and chill

And for real, that’s it! This straightforward process is all you need to complete in order to get those coals burning at a perfect temperature. This straightforward process is all you need to complete in order to get those coals burning at a perfect temperature. Still not convinced? Check out our Instagram reel below for a quick step-by-step process on how to get your charcoals ready for grilling:

A charcoal chimney starter can be used by the backyard cook or a professional barbecuer any day. It’s a simple science, really. Due to the fact that the charcoal is raised above the starter, the air is able to filter its way from the bottom to the top which keeps the fire oxygenated. What’s more is that since the charcoal is packed into a confined space, one piece can help light another, achieving the ultimate domino effect of heat. 

The short prep time is really the game-changer here. While a gas grill is cleaner and faster, the smoky flavor that charcoal produces just can’t be matched. And really, it’s not that much clean-up. By using a charcoal chimney, you can justify a slightly longer cooking time because all you have to do is light your starter and let the flames work their magic. With this simple process on your side, charcoal grilling can become an extension of your everyday cooking routine. Just imagine the Taco Tuesdays that you can pull off with minimal dirty pans to worry about.

If you’re ready to finally master the art of charcoal grilling, check out our charcoal chimneys here (custom orders accepted, too!).


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